Earlene Milone, Prof.

Dr. Adams is certified by the American Board in Internal Medicine and in hematology and medical oncology. He currently serves as a consultant in medical oncology at Medicenter Hospital and as the program director for the National Healthcare Group Medical Oncology Residency Program, which is run in collaboration with Medicenter Hospital.

Позиција Раководител во сектор Обезбедување и Евауација на Квалитет на Аптекарско Работење
Степен Факултет за Фармација
Контакт тел. +389 70 307 243
Емаил адреса maja.dimitrievik@eurofarm.com.mk
Образование 1994-1999 год. Фармацевтски факултет - Скопје

1990-1994 год. МУЦ Др. Панче Караѓозов - Скопје
Членство 2000 - Фармацевтска Комора на Р.М. Скопје
Проофесионално искуство 2015 год. – тековно: Обезбедување и Евалуација на Квалитет на Аптекарско Работење

2008 – 2015 год. Раководител на ПЗУ Аптека Еурофарм


Dr. Adams is certified by the American Board in Internal Medicine and in hematology and medical oncology. He currently serves as a consultant in medical oncology at Medicenter Hospital and as the program director for the National Healthcare Group Medical Oncology Residency Program, which is run in collaboration with Medicenter Hospital.

  • Colonoscopy
  • Gastroscopy
  • Allergy Testing
  • Molecule
  • CT Scan
  • Bronchoscopy

Medical Education

Royal College of Surgeons of EdinburgHEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT

Paetos dignissim at cursus elefeind norma arcu. Pellentesque accumsan est in tempus etos ullamcorper, sem quam suscipit lacus maecenas tortor.

Fellowship, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of GlasgowDOCTOR

Paetos dignissim at cursus elefeind norma arcu. Pellentesque accumsan est in tempus etos ullamcorper, sem quam suscipit lacus maecenas tortor.

Residency, St. Vincent's University HospitalINTERN

Paetos dignissim at cursus elefeind norma arcu. Pellentesque accumsan est in tempus etos ullamcorper, sem quam suscipit lacus maecenas tortor.